In addition to accelerating the personal development of individual participants, the LD-Toolbox has a number of modules for putting together 'complete teams' and supporting teams in growing and becoming more effective.
In the development of these positions, we have been inspired by Prof. Richard Hackman, Prof. Manfred Kets de Vries and Patrick Lencioni, among others, and we have collaborated with the University of Maastricht (Prof. Robert Roe, Marielle Heijltjes, now Dean UM and with Anneloes Raes, then a student, now professor at IESE Barcelona). Our software is linked to a number of well-known models: Hofstede, Würsten, Belbin, Litman and for our SBTA (strategic Behavioural Traits Analysis) we have co-operated closely on strategic paradoxes with prof. Bob de Wit (Nijenrode) and Prof. Ron Meyer (Antwerp and Tilburg).
On the larger website, the various theories are discussed in detail.
Corporate Profile Database or Regional Profile Database
As soon as we talk about team design and team development, it is often necessary to combine the data of several people.
To this end, we create a file in which the profiles of the people involved are stored.
For the companies where there are different services regarding people, teams and sometimes even the entire organization, such a file is called a Corporate Profile Database. Sometimes there is even a regional profile database, as with the ORIGINAL program.
Complete Effective Teams and Team Effectiveness
With the stories of Nancy King, Rodney Duncan, Tessa Gold and Freddy Moss (under ORIGINAL Future Perspective) we have hopefully shown the reader that the LD-Toolbox is a credible tool for (accelerating) the personal development of the individual participant.
But we have not yet demonstrated that the LDT can also provide relief for the most important problem of innovators.
The issue that all (subsidy-using) service providers did not know how to address. The ORIGINAL program is in the process of setting up a Regional Innovators Profile Database.
The LD-Toolbox is also a tool with which we can design complete teams. Which we describe with the three stories below.
By clicking on the relevant pdf you can download the stories.
Here are three stories with which we show parts of the other functionality of the LD-Toolbox:
Larry and Peter's story is about a successful startup that needs to grow, attracting a number of new members to the MT.
The story of applicants at Business Consulting Netherlands is about selecting people for a number of vacancies.

- Larry en Peter English.pdf 1.4 MB

- New consultants for BCN.pdf 620 KB
And the last story is about the first workshop of the Team Effectiveness Program.
It's about Internal Effectiveness, the mutual interaction between the individual members of a team.
If you want to know more about the entire Team Effectiveness program, you can click on the team image above. Then the relevant page of the large website opens in a separate page.
Advanced Team Design

Workgroups for strategic management
Continuous growth and change of the organization requires alert involvement of the entire management team
The leadership of an organization has to manage various processes:
- 'Ordinary Management' involves the day-to-day 'running' of the company's operational activities; For the highest management, this mainly means determining the goals and plans, and for the entire management team, the implementation of these goals and solving the problems and issues that arise.
- 'Extra-Ordinary Management' includes monitoring the company in its context, analysing changes in the market and its relationship with stakeholders, but above all developing a strategic course, taking greater steps in the development of the company, such as acquisitions, mergers, internationalisation and new branches of service. And, of course, integrating these changes into Ordinary Management.
- And, of course, manage the Projects and Programs, necessary for realising the bigger development steps.
In the YoCoComp Case Study, the need for internationalization, after a number of failures, becomes an urgent reason for a larger consulting organization to set up a standing organizational structure for strategic management. 'Extra-Ordinary Management' is led by a Policy & Strategy Board and 3 strategy working groups, with specially selected operational leaders. Click on the YoCoComp logo
to download a presentation about this case
An important effect of this approach is the high involvement of all members of the management group, in the growth and development of the company. By putting together 3 working teama, based on their qualities and biases, each participant can contribute optimally and a solid foundation is laid for the strategic development of the company. In the meantime, the company remains on course and the high professionalism of its services is maintained. Moreover, through their involvement, managers will justify the major development steps to the employees and shine because of their strong motivation.