Elon Musk is experimenting today to increase human intelligence by connecting the cerebral cortex with computer chips, which makes it possible to realise a human IQ of 300.
We limit ourselves here to three groundbreaking publications:
Homo Deus from Harari,
Big Mind from Geoff Mulgan, Society 4.0 from Bob de Wit.
If you click on the image of the book cover you can download a short extract or report.
As Bob de Wit outlines, in chapter Artificial Intelligence wave 4.2 The social consequences, we will see an increasing integration between human life and AI in the coming years. People talk about Human 2.X and Human 3.X.
However, at the moment we are mainly dealing with human 0.X (and that is already complicated enough).
For example, when we talk about leadership, many different terms are used, such as 'servant leadership', coaching leadership, delegating leadership, no-nonsense leadership, inspiring leadership, transactional leadership, situational leadership, etc. etc.*)
*) In this light, it may be interesting to reflect a while on what 'The Leadership Industry' has brought us so far.
In her publication 'The END of LEADERSHIP', Barbara Kellerman wipes the floor with this 'Industry' that involves billions in Leadership programs, conferences and publications about Leadership, which often create a very outdated image of leadership.
Human 0.9 Using our Full Potential and Optimizing our Ability to Collaborate
For fun, we also refer to 'Bommelian leadership':
- Recognize the talents of your employees;
- Become aware of your ignorance and incompetence;
- Become skilled at asking for help. And consciously ask for help from Tom Puss!
*) Olivier B Bommel is a famous Dutch comic character with a big ego and 'impression drive' who can't do much on his own and is completely dependent on his employees, i.a. the cleft Tom Puss
But above all, realize that you, without thinking about it, underutlize a large part of your own potential and also that of the people around you.
The Training and Coaching world, which provides services to tap into that potential, unfortunately still works with outdated tools.
From what we have observed so far, the LD Toolbox is the only instrument in the world that systematically looks at a participant's future perspective and that helps the participant to accelerate his/her personal development.
And which makes the untapped potential visible to the participant and shows what to do to exploit it.
The LD-Toolbox as an enablerfor the acceleration of human talent development
UNESCO tries to tackle the major global problems with the so-called CLA approach, the Causal Layered Analysis.
After all, before anything can be done about these serious development trends, it is necessary to have an overview of the root causes, and the connections between all facets that have anything to do with the specific phenomenon. This layered analysis can then make it possible to launch the necessary interventions in the process and, in simple words, 'push' the unwanted development in a different direction with those interventions.
The LD Toolbox: a using CLA designed instrument
The human mindset and personality is also of great complexity. By consciously adept behavioral preferences, people are able to influence the development of the own personality. That's called "learning".
Even though we were not familiar with the CLA method, we did actuallly design the LD-Toolbox (starting in 2001) based on something like this Causal Layered Analysis. All connections between behavioral preferences, competencies/skills and roles/styles were systematically built in the LD-Toolbox.
For example, in the scheme to the right, you can see the correlations behind one of the 18 leadership styles, the Mobilisor style. A leadership style is related to competencies and each competency is related to a number of behavioral preferences. These preferences are measure with the OPQ personality questionnaire. The mobilisor leadership style is built on 5 competencies.
And each competency is related to the measured behavioral preferences. In this showcase, the connections are shown that been defined after years of research by the Dutch organization Psychotechniek (currently part of SHL, the owner of the SHL personality questionnaire).
In our opinion, the only the person who can change his/her behavior is him/herself.
There must be a strong will to do this, but why would this person want that?
The goal, for example, to become a good Teambuilder, must be important for the person.
In addition, this person must have a growth mindset, namely he/she must believe in his/her own development potential.
Carol Dweck distinguishes two types of mindset: Someone with a fixed mindset is convinced that people are born with talents and abilities and that intelligence is fixed. On the other hand, someone with a growth mindset is convinced that you can influence your own development and that you can learn lots of things. That it is not just about talent, but especially about the ability to learn.
And the first step in learning is to understand the connections and coherence. So it is not the coach or teacher who must understand the CLA patterns and correlations, but the participant himself!
Simulation scenarios
The Causal Layered Analysis of the connections between behavioral preferences, competencies/skills, roles/styles also makes it possible to calculate the effects of behavioral changes and thus to draw up development scenarios for the participant. For example, the Mobilisor leadership style scores 31.0 points here, which means that the participant already has that style in his/her portfolio.
But the style can grow stronger, because Initiative only scores a 3. And that is because the behavioral preferences for Achieving and Decisive score a 4. In the personal development scenarios which we had drawn up for the participant, we see that Achieving will increase to a 7 in simulation 1 (the Quick-Wins scenario) and in the 2nd scenario also Decisive will be increased.
As a result of both proposed development scenarios, we see that the participant, who has already mastered all 6 interaction styles, still can improve considerably by them.
It really works, for everyone!
Do you want to see how? The examples below from Nancy King, Rodney Duncan, Tessa Gold and Freddy Moss show how participants in their own development scenario were able to drastically accelerate their personal development by using the LD-Toolbox.
Download and study their story. You will find that the LDT reports have really helped them in their career.
In the rapid developing internet economy new startups pop up all the time.That's allright of course, for we're in a great need for new products and services.
But the nasty thing is that when these startups grow to Scale-Ups don't make. More than 95% of these Scale-Ups fails awfully.
Under the Chapters About Innovators, ORIGINAL and LD-Toolbox we will dig deeper into these issues. For instance did we develop special software for the design of Scale-Up Management Teams.
To the right you can see a Management Team we helped design for Larry and Peters company. They included three new managers in their team: Hannay Style, Catharine Jackson and Anna Nieman. And together they for a complete team according to the Attention Areas for Scale-Up companies and according to the Belbin Model of successful Team.
For getting more aquaited with their story you can easily download the pdf below.
- Larry en Peter English.pdf 1.4 MB
You cannot only design complete teams with the LD-Toolbox.
You can also select professional based on fitness for professional roles, based on their personality traits (download the pdf New Consultants for BCN)
And we have also and example you can download about the first one-day workshop of the Team Effectiveness program: Perceptions versus Intentions.
These downloadable stories
is but a preview of the chapter LD-Toolbox, where you can read more extensively about this unique set of insgtruments.
- New consultants for BCN.pdf 620 KB
Local Initiative
In his popular publication Society 4.0, de Wit describes in chapter 7, the Glocal Civil Society, that society in the future will grow towards a combination of tackling global issues at a global level and managing local issues at local level. Cooperation is crucial in this world order.
The ORIGINAL initiative is a local initiative that was created, partly because there was a lack of sufficient cooperation between the various government-funded activities that should have stimulated value creation in the region (start-up guidance), partly because no one had a solution for support of Scale -Ups in their transition. This would have required a regional ecosystem that did not exist.
And, thirdly because they did not see an innovative enabler that offers a solution for creating such a network.
They did not know about the power of an instrument like the LD Toolbox.
The local ORIGINAL initiative addresses these issues and includes the use of this enabling toolset.
Copying the ORIGINAL program to other regions in the Netherlands or to other countries
There is now quite a bit of interest in the ORIGINAL concept in other regions at home and abroad. Even in remote places in the world. But just like in the Zwolle region, cooperation between all stakeholders is an absolute necessity.
After all, a 'common language' must be applied in order to register the innovative forces in a profile database and to be able to put together complete teams in an unambiguous manner. Creating that shared language turns out to be no easy feat.
Especially when it comes to, for example, the way different people use words like competency or leadership style is far from being the same language. But there are certainly regions that make the effort to put collaboration first and where it is understood that the shared language is also part of the collaboration.
For example, we are in discussions with an immigration region in Northern Scandinavia that finds the language of the LD-Toolbox an excellent basis for the accelerated development of the professional skills for their working population.
This, by the way, is never a problem within larger companies. Except from the period of a merger, where it has to be tackled with priority, such that both cultures can be united and the empoyees of the merged company 'speak the same language'.
LDpe has several customers who work with a Corporate Profile Database.
The LD-Toolbox as a basic instrument for the ORIGINAL program
The ORIGINAL program is a program for intensive collaboration between innovative forces in a region. But, in order to work together you have to understand each other well.
Therefore, you need this common language. Not a language like Dutch, French or English, but a framework within which you use the same concepts, models and approaches when you work together. And the LD-Toolbox provides such a shared conceptual framework. Of course, this also means that all parties in the region must be able to work with the LD Toolbox.
All service providers operating in the region can therefore qualify as recognized reviewers, who can provide their services using the LD Toolbox, so that we also speak 'this same language' within the region.
Which is not that difficult with the LD Toolbox, because it is based on world-leading best practices:
In the picture beneath you see een overview of the leading best-practices in world on the themes we address in the LD-Toolbox and that we use for creating your reports.
And, here to the right you can connect to an AI app, the LD-Toolbox Tutor, that will answer all the questions about the Toolbox that you have or can imagine.
By clicking on the picture to the right we'll open a special window for you and connect you to the tutor, so you can start to put questions to this robot.