TMA stands for Talent Motivation Analysis. This method assumes that people function best and are most committed when they do work that is close to their motivations and talents. The TMA approach provides insight into people's talents and motivations. TMA believes in positive psychology and attention. That's why people are described in positive terms. There are a number of companies in the Netherlands that have been using the TMA approach for years.
The LD Toolbox is the only instrument in the world that helps you work on the growth of your own personality by setting up a concrete development scenario. The LDT AI system calculates the effects of all possible changes in behavior and concludes which of those possible changes are most effective for you.
The LD Toolbox has been used by thousands of leaders and professionals around the world and has helped many accelerate their own careers.
Due to the power of the LD Toolbox, with which many leaders and professionals have achieved accelerated growth, many companies (including TMA users) want to use this unique instrument for the accelerated career development of their top employees.
To ensure that both instruments can be used side by side, LDpe has managed to build a bridge between the conceptual framework of TMA and the LDT.
In the table on the right we therefore not only see a participant's TMA score, based on the measurement of his/her behavioral preferences. But also the outcomes that can be expected after following the scenario of simulation 1 and simulation 2.
Here, in the table, you will see an overview of the top 10 TMA scores of the participant in question. Indeed you can see that this person will be able to grow further by using the simulation scenarios. The fact that we have identified the strongest skills for the participant naturally means that he/she becomes aware of where his strengths.
But probably, he will already have be notifies already by theTMA system. As we can see, the scores for the very best skills are already high and the benefit of the development scenarios here lies mainly in the themes Problem Analysis and Organization Sensitivity.

Much more spectacular is the potential growth in other competencies.
This growth will be achieved without having to concentrate on the growth of specific competencies.
With the LDT approach you can focus on adjusting your behavioral preferences. For the participant in this example, the Quick-Wins sceanio involves focusing on the adjustment of 3 behavioral preferences Persuasive, Data Rational and Conscienious.
In simulation 2 (the longer term) a focus on 10 behavioral preferences.