Ateljé blåfinger
We are passionate about Art and we love Scandinavian Design Glass.
That is why we have built a large collection, from which we sell some beautiful pieces.
Design Glas Collection
Ateljé Blåfinger, integral part of the BIC Moose Club, exhibits a collection of Scandinavian Design Glas, of which some pieces can be sold to interested guests.
Much of our Design Glass collection derives from the famous district in Sweden, called 'Glasriket', with the glassworks of Kosta, Boda, Orrefors, Målerås, Pukeberg, Nybro, and from some other famous glassworks in and outside Scandinavia.
Our collection was built up during decades, which means that we have items from the period 1970-2010. We also maintain a relationship with the company Kosta Boda Orrefors, that co-ordinates the export for the many glassworks in Småland.